
Kinda Katrib

IPN Spotlight: Kinda Katrib (Engineer I at Virginia Department of Transportation)

Currently Kinda is employed as Architect Engineer I at Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and her job entails review of traffic, hydraulics, and roadway design. Kinda graduated from Old Dominion University last May 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering. While pursuing her bachelors, as Phi Theta Kappa, Kinda participated in Civil Engineering competition WaterJam -Virginia Water Environment Association, VWEA-Student Design Competition Engineer for water replenishment systems. In Student National Mathematics Competition, she received Certificate of Merit.

Kinda is a member in several distinguished honor societies – American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE), Chi Epsilon(XE) which is also known as Civil Engineering Honor Society, and Tau Beta Pi – Engineering Honor Society. Kinda has received several honorary awards including one for Greater Richmond Pocket Books Club Eric and Jeanette Lipman Scholarship.

What skills have helped you in your career?
I think having the strength and belief in myself gave me the courage to do more and more and I always said to myself that I could do it. Never give up – believe it or not I reached a time where I was so close to giving up. I never gave up, I always had faith in God and that he put me in this for a reason and he knows I am good enough and able to go through it all, so I got up again every time and kept working hard until I got to my goals. Moreover, I always tried to look at the bright future and hope for good results and imagine where I will be if I keep working hard.
Create a vision of your goals in your mind – this will help you push yourself to work harder and put in more effort. Set measurable goals to achieve as milestones and when you reach those goals, they will serve as a motivational milestones to make you feel happy. Always tell yourself, ”Never give up, you can do it, and you are where you at for a reason.”

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
I don’t have any regrets, and I am very thankful for all of what I have done till this point, but if I can go back in time, I wish I had the chance to do more internships during school and be more involved in different activities.

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
Always keep in touch and network with people at work and friends from school about the most recent improvements and things that might be helpful for your future.

What is next for you in your career?
I am looking forward to my growth in VDOT while I build my work experience, knowledge, and skills. I will be working on getting my Professional Engineer License. Not sure yet, but maybe when I settle down, I might get my MBA.

What advice would you offer to others?
Set your goals and know what you want. Then, start working hard and do your best to get to these goals. Always have hope, and be optimistic, but the most important thing is never give up.

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Filling out application for school
• Career advises
• Interviews

Please provide the link to your LinkedIn profile:
Kinda Katrib


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Muneerah Merchant

IPN Spotlight: Muneerah Merchant (VP of Philanthropy, Khan Academy)

Muneerah started her professional career as a management consultant. She worked for over 10 years at Price Waterhouse Coopers and The Parthenon Group. In 2005, Muneerah transitioned to the non-profit sector and has since focused her efforts on non-profit management and philanthropy. She has a passion for working with organizations that provide quality and affordable education access nationally and globally. Currently, she is a member of the senior leadership team for Khan Academy and serves as its Vice President for Philanthropy.

Muneerah has also been involved as a volunteer with the Aga Khan Council for USA and various related institutions and committees since 1999. Her work has focused on quality of life improvement efforts, volunteer engagement and institutional strengthening. Muneerah is presently the President for the Aga Khan Council for Western USA. Muneerah holds a Bachelor degree in Mathematics from Smith College, a Master in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from Northwestern University and a Master in Business Administration from Harvard University.

What skills have helped you in your career?
• Communication/interpersonal skills
• Ability to work successfully in cross-functional teams
• Problem solving skills
• Ability to prioritize and deliver consistently
• Being a good mentor/coach for my team
• Strong analytics

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
Starting my career as a management consultant was great but I wish I had transitioned sooner from consultancy to a position in corporation. I wish I had known more about non-traditional career pathways and had more mentors who could have guided me.

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
• Attend conferences; focus on education dialogue
• Follow key publications on education and philanthropy
• I am part of 2-3 groups that focus on development, women in development. The network is very beneficial for both my personal and work advancement

What is next for you in your career?
Double the funds raised by Khan Academy in next three years (from $50-100M) so we can continue to deliver on our mission.

What advice would you offer to others?
• Follow your passion and success will follow
• Don’t be afraid to walk away from a ‘cushy’ job if it isn’t giving you the personal satisfaction
• Something I tell my 13-year-old daughter… be good in English and Math and you can be successful in many career paths

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Advice on people seeking a career in non-profit/Ed tech
• Career transition
• Work life balance

Please provide the link to your LinkedIn profile:
Muneerah Merchant


If you would like to nominate someone to be a part of the spotlight, click Here.


Ozod Davlatshoev (Tajikistan)

IPN Spotlight: Ozod Davlatshoev (Director General at Tcell Tajikistan)

Ozod Davlatshoev currently serves as Global Executive Director for Accelerated Prosperity an AKDN initiative and Director General at Tcell a company recently (fully) acquired by AKFED. Enterprise Growth Accelerator (EGA) branded as Accelerated Prosperity functions in Central and South Asia- as a ‘vehicle’ to catalyze grass-root economic development, support early growth startups for small and growing enterprises to inspire entrepreneurial culture and job creation for economic opportunities.

For over two decades, Ozod has been actively engaged with Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED) in Dushanbe and Central Asia region. He was responsible in leading implementation of the integrated energy project Pamir Power Project (Pamir Energy), a first Public-Private Partnership for power utility that has become an international benchmark for economic development providing not only for the mountainous regions of Gorno-Badakhshan in Tajikistan but neighboring towns and villages of Afghanistan with power sustainability. Pamir Energy has been used as a profile by World Bank and by Harvard University as a case study.

As an investment analyst, Ozod was also part of the project team implementing the first GSM Mobile operator in Tajikistan (Tcell) and part of business development team for other high profile AKFED and AKDN projects in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. He is the founder of Shoh-sotoon LLC – manufacturer of energy efficient construction materials and Co-founder of Vantage Point Partners – a real estate development company.

Ozod has an astute cultural knowledge in corporate social responsibility and governance in Eurasian and Middle East region. He presently serves on the Board of Central Eurasian Alliance and American Chamber of Commerce in Tajikistan, Board of American-Chamber in Tajikistan, Alumni of Central Asia, Mongolia, Caucasus and Afghanistan (CAMCA) fellowship. Setting exemplary precedence for local Tajik, he was the first Tajik to be appointed to serve as Honorary Consul of Sweden to Tajikistan at the age of 35.

He is an affluent linguist in several languages including Tajik, English, Persian/Dari, and Russian with a good command of Arabic. Initially, Ozod’s academic pursuit began with a diploma in Arts, Designs, and Animation; diverged into BSc in Middle Eastern Studies and Journalism followed by BSc in Economics and Accounting. Ozod continued his academic studies and graduated with a Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a specialization in strategic planning and strategic risk management from Edinburgh Business School of Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland. His hobbies include oil painting, digital arts, the creation of music, traveling and photography, reading, horses, and golf.

What skills have helped you in your career?
Believe it or not – my academic career has assisted me the most in various executive leadership roles. It has enabled me to practically apply strategic plans and business strategy well beyond conventional thinking, supporting me to think and perceive solutions that are unique to the organizations I serve. Sufi influence has shaped my skills for patience and my pragmatic thinking. I actively explore and learn from other cultures – practices involving inner contemplation and reflection.
Being a conscientious leader, the application of diverse cultures has enabled me to remain calm and passionate yet rational in stressful situations. The combination of traveling and my passion for arts and photography, has helped me to understand God’s creation in a context beyond time and conventional measures. Ozod said, “To truly appreciate God’s mercy, love, and magnificence, one has to learn the science behind life.”

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
I prefer to assess my risks by a method of least regret. Given that the probability of success or failure beyond comprehensible uncertainty has equal weighting. One can only bet on the fact that every experience leaves you with something positive, be it a new friend, travel to a new place, new business venture or even any notion of ‘failure’ for an opportunity to learn and comprehend.
By the same token, what didn’t work equally makes you richer and smarter! As age goes by, it will have left you with thoughts and regrets of not giving a chance to an experience that would have made you richer, happier or wiser – hence the ‘theory” of least regret. This is a high but calculated risk approach albeit probably most fulfilling.

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
I actively participate in business conferences, fellowships, summits and short trainings. I am also occasionally invited as guest speaker. I was the guest speaker at IDOimpact Summit 2017, an initiative by United Nations Development Program (UNDP). This platform provided collaborations between all key stakeholders- governments, business venture capitalist, and potential investors. By attending Summits, I can intellectually expand my horizon of strategic examination for novel solutions. Books are probably the best source of wisdom and learning, reflection, and affirmation.
When you gain new knowledge, you continue to appreciate how great God’s greatest creation – Life is, and how merciful and loving He is to have granted this to Humanity. The most significant wisdom comes from nature, the laws of Nature – the only fair and straightforward truth. When one applies simple rules of Nature to the dynamics of human behavior, most if not all things are predictable and calculable. So, I spend a lot of time learning and observing Nature and its laws.

What is next for you in your career?
Personally, I am genuinely content in my life – I look forward to all my personal and professional projects and find it a privilege to work for AKDN. I like to get engaged in various activities across a number of sectors as there is always a chance to learn something new, but my passion is with Clean Energy, IT and Telecom sectors where I would like to excel most.
My interest will remain to serve the purpose of humanity and impact lives for a better standard of living. I share my search for truth like Nasir Khusraw, the famous poet, philosopher, and theologian. I paraphrase a translation from one of his quotes “I am a very light traveler in this short travel- Safarnama.”

What advice would you offer to others?
Every individual can contribute to the cause of serving humanity in his/her unique way. The key is to identify and excel at what you are best as early as possible and use that to service humanity – what I call is Life with a Purpose – a rewarding and Satisfying Life. It applies to business equally – be unique at what you are and solve the problems of your customers and make their life easier, better and more satisfying with your product or services – is what I call a Business with Purpose.
My inspiration for excelling/specializing comes from the honey bee, which is meant and knows precisely how to extract nectar from the flower and deliver it as honey. If you were to ask honey bee to do something else that it is not good at, it will get depressed and die soon.

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Assist Ismaili Entrepreneurship in local regions for any business or consulting endeavors
• Assist in Understanding local practices, socio-political dynamics and business and investment opportunities
• Provide risk mapping for a private project financing venture

Please provide the link to your LinkedIn profile:
Ozod Davlatshoev

Global- Tajikistan

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Ahmad Alkasir

IPN Spotlight: Ahmad Alkasir (Senior Food Security and Livelihoods Consultant at Blumont Global Development/International Relief and Development (IRD))

Ahmad Alkasir is a Syrian National with + 13 years of professional experience in the fields of water resources management, agriculture, rural development, and economic development. Ahmad Alkasir has worked with a number of international employers including Global Affairs Canada, World Bank, and GIZ. In 2010, Ahmad received Syria-Oxford Leadership Development Programme Award to participate in SOLDP; and SAID Alumni Achievement Prize.

What skills have helped you in your career?
• Hard work
• Dedication
• Listening
• Ability to combine technical skills and understanding of socio-economic and political context

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
I wish I had learnt more languages and obtained an additional degree in economics.

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
After I obtained my first degree, I enrolled in the Syria Preparatory Programme (SyPP), which was designed by the IIS and implemented by the British Council in Damascus in 2006. Following that, I did my Master’s at Oxford University in the UK to study water policy and management. Continuous education revolves around building new skills and knowledge which I have done through multiple training programmes on leadership and management. Furthermore, this also requires continuous reading to be able to keep pace with the world’s rapid occurrences and political changes.

What is next for you in your career?
As a new immigrant to the US, I am currently pursuing opportunities in the INGO multilateral organizations.

What advice would you offer to others?
Read more, and expand your knowledge beyond academic studies, listen more, and learn more languages.

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• School admission
• General career advice

Please provide the link to your LinkedIn profile:
Ahmad Alkasir


If you would like to nominate someone to be a part of the spotlight, click Here.


Ilhaam “Illy” Jaffer

IPN Spotlight: Ilhaam “Illy” Jaffer (Associate Director, Political & Civic Programs at BP)

Ilham “Illy” is an Associate Director who co-leads political and civic programs at BP. Previously she has held leadership positions such as Advance Associate for The White House; External Affairs Consultant in the City of Houston and Deputy Chief of Staff for US House of Representatives. She is an Alumni of John Hopkins University, where she graduated with a Masters of Arts in Government.
She holds a Bachelors of Science in Political Science and Sociology from the University of Houston. She has extensive experience in government affairs with ten years’ experience in both the public and private sectors. Illy has a proven ability to align business priorities with external stakeholder engagement to meet organizational public and government affairs goals.

What skills have helped you in your career?
Collaboration, strategic thinking, communication, adaptability, and time management are some of the skills that have helped me in my career.

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
In retrospect, I wish that I had completed a business degree in either my undergrad or graduate studies.

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
I’m constantly working towards learning what others in my industry are working on and I’m taking part in development trainings as well.

What is next for you in your career?
I’d like to continue to grow and build on my skills in both government and public affairs.

What advice would you offer to others?
In a constantly globalizing environment of working remotely, be physically present when able — that is when opportunities emerge.

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Networking
• Job placement
• Career planning

Please provide the link to your LinkedIn profile:
Ilhaam “Illy” Jaffer

If you would like to nominate someone to be a part of the spotlight, click Here.


Shirin Ahmed

IPN Spotlight: Shirin Ahmed (Senior Project Manager, International Rescue Committee)

Shirin Ahmed is the Senior Project Manager at the International Rescue Committee (IRC) where she works with IRC’s innovation unit to design solutions for people affected by conflicts. In addition to managing the Center’s portfolio, Shirin supports research and implementation of programs to prevent domestic violence in Liberia & Uganda.
Prior to IRC, Shirin was a Program Manager at Yale University’s Global Health Leadership Institute where she worked on a multi-country program focusing on supply chain management in Africa. Their focus was to evaluate best practices from corporations such as Coca-Cola, and provide recommendations to ministries of health to improve access to critical medicines in remote areas of Tanzania, Ghana, and others. Here, Shirin also helped launch a research project/startup called PremieBreathe to develop a low-cost breathing device for newborns in Ethiopia. Shirin grew up in Pakistan & completed her undergraduate degree in Political Science & International Studies from Yale University in 2012.

What skills have helped you in your career?
• Project management
• Qualitative research and analysis
• Field experience in developing countries
• Communications

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
I wish I was more confident in my career choices – I remember spending many hours worrying about not applying to consulting jobs as my peers did and instead choosing to spend a summer in Uganda (which ultimately deepened my interests in the social impact space). I wish I had known at that time that it is okay to experiment and to create our own career path.
At the same time, I wish I had experimented even more with my career – worked on different gigs, startups, done multiple projects at one time. I think those experiences would have given me a broader perspective to bring to my next job and grad school.
Finally, while I took some basic French and Arabic in high school and college, I wish I was proficient in one of those languages. We live in a highly-globalized world so whether working abroad or in the US, knowing another language would have opened many more opportunities for me.

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
I am fortunate to be living in NYC where I am constantly exposed and have the opportunity to seek out a variety of educational experiences – documentaries, art shows book tours, cultural festivals that continue to broaden my perspective.

What is next for you in your career?
In the short-term, I will continue to enhance my project management skills within the innovation and design space through my work at the International Rescue Committee. Down the road, I plan to pursue a Master’s degree in health economics and policy that would complement my field experiences.

What advice would you offer to others?
Don’t get too comfortable in any job or profession. As soon as you reach a point of saturation, move on to do something different so you can continue learning from your experiences.
Secondly, don’t worry about becoming an expert in the early years of your career. I speak with a Project manager bias but I do think that companies find it extremely valuable to have people on their team who can work across disciplines. I have been lucky to be in positions where I have communicated with government officials, corporate leaders, tech experts and designers, and all these interactions have allowed me to work effectively across many functions.

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Nonprofits placements
• Working in developing contexts
• Research and project management jobs

Please provide the link to your LinkedIn profile:
Shirin Ahmed

If you would like to nominate someone to be a part of the spotlight, click Here.


Nabila Alibhai

IPN Spotlight: Nabila Alibhai (Founder, inCOMMONS)

Nabila Alibhai leads inCOMMONS, a new cultural production lab focused on invigorating public spaces and inspiring collective responsibility for our cultural and environmental heritage. Nabila Alibhai has had significant career in strategic and creative consulting. She has held positions in the Aga Khan Development Network, the United Nations and the International Organization for Migration and has worked on projects in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kenya, Tanzania, the United States and Switzerland.
She has a Master of Public Health from Yale University and is trained in conflict resolution. She was also mid-career fellow in MIT’s Special Program for Urban and Regional Studies in order to advance her efforts on community solidarity through public spaces. She is a TED Speaker and author.

What skills have helped you in your career?
Skills: Strategic planning, communications, policy development.
Sectors: conflict resolution, community resilience, public health, urban planning.

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
I wish I had put less effort into trying to define myself. Being at TED Global this year I met so many more people who have eclectic lives, and whose passions don’t quite fit a conventional mold. Though not without it’s challenges, doing new things necessitates stepping out of old paradigms.

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
Working as a consultant means I’m constantly learning. A mid-career fellowship (MIT Special Program in Urban and Regional Studies) was also a wonderful way of taking a step back and redirecting my life’s work.

What is next for you in your career?
Enabling pluralism, solidarity, health and safety through leadership development, governance and creating scalable public space initiatives. I do this through consulting, designing projects through inCOMMONS, and thought leadership – public speaking and writing.

What advice would you offer to others?
Figure out what you would do if no one was paying you to do it and do more of it.

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Thinking through careers in development
• Figuring out career transitions
• Thinking through whether to go back to school
• Experience sharing in working in conflict and in public health

Please provide the link to your LinkedIn profile:
Nabila Alibhai

If you would like to nominate someone to be a part of the spotlight, click Here.


VIDEO: White House and Government Internships (Jan. 15, 2017)


White House and Government Internships – Karim Farishta
Webinar was held on Sunday, January 15, 2017

Program Overview
Former White House intern and current staffer Karim Farishta shared his experiences working in the Obama White House and offered practical tips on the current White House internship process and other opportunities in government.

Speaker Profile
Karim Farishta currently serves one of the youngest political appointees in the Obama Administration. He is the Program Manager for the White House Office of Management and Administration, where he focuses attention on presidential transition operations, the President’s Leadership Workshop, and professional development. Previously, he was a staff assistant in the same office and an intern in the White House Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs. Prior to the White House, he interned at the U.S. Agency for International Development, Alliance for Peacebuilding, and the American Red Cross. He is a proud native of Sugar Land, TX, where he founded the Global Issues Summit and served as President of the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council. Karim graduated summa cum laude with a degree in international affairs from The George Washington University. He is a 2016 Harry S. Truman Scholar as well as a 2016-2017 Fulbright Research Scholar to Sri Lanka.

The presenter(s) have granted permission for use of this content for IPN members only.  Please do not share this content outside of IPN without requesting permission from the presenter(s).


Brunch & Networking Session With Nageeb Sumar : Austin, TX on Saturday, October 28th 2017

Brunch & Networking Session For Professionals and Students in Austin, TX.

Nageeb Sumar is currently Deputy Director of Philanthropic Partnerships at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He has over 10 years of experience in philanthropy, international development, legal, and budgeting. He has worked in over 16 countries within North America, Asia, Africa and Australia. Nageeb oversees the foundation’s work on policy, systems, and innovation in philanthropy.

This is a great opportunity for anyone who is interested in these topics to speak with him!

To Register click Here.

Restaurant: Chez Zee
Address: 5406 Balcones Dr, Austin, TX 78731
Time: 10:30 A.M.


Dr. Rasul Ramji

IPN Spotlight: Dr. Rasul Ramji (Assistant Dean For Global Affairs, The University Of Louisville)

Dr. Rasul received his Doctorate of Public Health from Texas A & M University in 2013. He assumed his position as Assistant Dean for Global affairs at the University of Louisville in 2013 and is currently an active member involved in Higher Education Solutions Network (HESN) which is a USAID initiative. In 2000, Dr. Rasul received his Master of Public Health, and in 1997 he was a recipient of Doctor of Chiropractic from Texas Chiropractic College. His International academic career achievements include Bachelor of Science with honors in Entomology/Horticulture from the University of Sind in 1971 and high school graduation diploma from The Aga Khan High School, an affiliate of Cambridge University, UK.

What skills have helped you in your career?
Rural Development Education, interacting with and participating in Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) – Interacting with rural farmers and agriculture workers.

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
Nothing really – was blessed to have direction.

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
Take CE courses and teach.

What is next for you in your career?
Continue as Assistant Dean for Global Affairs – Lecture Internationally on Rural development and assist in rural development projects in Georgia (country) Lahore and parts of India.

What advice would you offer to others?
Identify your goal and make sure the goal is not leading to a dead end – must chose a career with a “broad spectrum” Have multi specialties – not just one specialization.

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• University admission
• Guidance in admission to higher education
• Emphasize research based careers

If you would like to nominate someone to be a part of the spotlight, click Here.