
[DJAC Video] Healthcare in the 21st Century

Healthcare in the 21st Century
Session was held at the Diamond Jubilee Alliances Conference held September 2018.

Program Overview
Healthcare is shifting from analog to digital. Medicine, for so long centered around the knowledge in the human brains of doctors, radiologists, and other experts. It is now turning into a data science problem. The whole focus of healthcare is shifting from treating conditions after they arise to keeping people healthy and stopping illness before symptoms appear. In this session, we discuss how some of the most forward-thinking healthcare organizations are providing personalized healthcare with the help of AI and Data Science.

Zohray Talib

Ameya Kulkarni
Saleem Sayani

The presenter(s) have granted permission for use of this content for IPN members only.  Please do not share this content outside of IPN without requesting permission from the presenter(s).




IPN & IHPA Networking Event : Orlando, FL on Saturday, February 16th 2019

Connect, Collaborate and Catalyze with Ismaili professionals from all across Florida. We invite professionals from Tampa, Ocala, Orlando, Miramar and Ft. Lauderdale to participate in an elite networking event with music, dinner, dance and networking activities.

Come together and build long term alliances on Saturday, February 16 in Orlando, FL. Get inspired by our remarkable speaker, Nabyl Charania who will talk about the latest in artificial intelligence, block chain and cryptocurrency.

All professionals, healthcare and allied health care workers plus college students are invited.

Cost: $35/person
Student Rate: $20
Register: Click Here

For questions email: [email protected]


Reef Karim

IPN Spotlight: Reef Karim (CEO & Founder at The Control Center Beverly Hills)

Reef Karim leads a mission driven life centered on storytelling, content creation and the blend of science and entertainment. Reef’s motto is: “Don’t Be Normal, Be You” and he tries to live every day with passion, creative pursuit and the ability to impact others. The three most important qualities to Reef Karim are: Self Expression, Authentic Identity and having an Original Point of View.
Reef’s Science CV: Double board-certified physician in psychiatry and addiction medicine with an expertise in the neuroscience of self-sabotage and self-empowerment. He is also, UCLA Assistant Clinical Professor & Chief Medical Officer of Vitality HealthTech.
Reef’s Entertainment CV: Television host, feature film actor, international speaker, author & stand-up comic. He has worked with Oprah, Anderson Cooper, & Larry King and worked on Bourne Identity, Shark Tank, Private Practice, Veep, Time, ABC World News & CNN. He recently started Mad Lab; a media, personal transformation & nonprofit company-

What skills have helped you in your career?
I pride myself on drive, ambition and developing a unique point of view. These aren’t just “learned” qualities you can pick up in school; they are “experienced” qualities. Yes, you have to go to school, train, learn information and learn how to connect with others but you also have to live, be willing to fail, experiment with different careers and develop your own sense of self; your originality. The most successful people are not clones; they are originals.

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
I frequently attend conferences to both skill build and stay current with changes in the field. For me personally, I’m always working on improving myself; improving my ability to host better, act better, write better, speak better and disseminate current, cutting edge information in the most effective way possible.

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
I wish someone would have told me, on a questionnaire like this, to FIND MY ORIGINAL SELF and not allow other people, no matter who they are, to dictate what I do or what I should believe in. It’s imperative that people don’t succumb to “group think” and instead utilize your unique experiences, background and training to blaze your own path.

What is next for you in your career?
Reef Madness Show, Mad Lab Company ( Next, the focus is a bigger media presence; both in hosting our upcoming show, Reef Madness and writing, acting and producing original entertainment content for television and digital media at Mad Lab. Reef Madness is a new late-night talk show & podcast blending science, comedy and entertainment, similar to John Oliver or Bill Maher. He hopes to be able to entertain people, influence people and help people with personal transformation on the screen and stage.

What advice would you offer to others?
It’s hard to figure out what you want to do and how you want to live your life, especially in our current climate of over-stimulation, noise and division. But, you can’t live in fear; fear is paralyzing, it invites procrastination, indecision and distraction. Sometimes that distraction is not doing what you were destined to do. Other times, that distraction is self-sabotage, doing destructive things you shouldn’t be doing that diminish your emotional and spiritual growth. I wish everyone the courage to blaze your own path and the clarity to find your vision.

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Speaking/Hosting
• Creative Coaching and collaboration
• Media Training
• Self Help
• I also consult with people to build their personal brand story.

Please provide the link to your LinkedIn profile:
Reef Karim

Please provide your preferred email address so interested professionals can network with you:
[email protected]


If you would like to nominate someone to be a part of the spotlight, click Here.


[DJAC] Video from Keynote Address by David Lee, VP, Innovation & Strategic Fund, UPS

Alliance Conference Keynote – David Lee (Slides)

Keynote Address by David Lee, VP, Innovation & Strategic Fund, UPS
Keynote was given at the Diamond Jubilee Alliances Conference held on Saturday, Sept. 29, 2018

Program Overview
In this insightful and thoughtful talk, David Lee provides a general overview of how AI and machine learning are shaping the world today and how it might affect our working lives in the near future. How will this technology affect what humans are asked to do? What should we be doing to prepare for these imminent changes? It’s possible we are headed to a jobless future, but probably not. So, how can we robot-proof our jobs and create work that allows human beings to be bring their unique skills and talents into the workplace? David is the Vice President for Innovation and New Ventures at UPS (United Parcel Service). His TED talk, “Why Jobs of the Future Won’t Feel Like Work” was one of the most popular talks of 2017.

Speaker Profile
DJAC is excited to bring this extraordinary visionary to our conference. David’s TED Talk on the Future of Work was ranked best of 2017 and has received over 1.7 million views! David is the VP of Innovation and the Strategic Enterprise Fund at UPS.

The Strategic Enterprise Fund is UPS’s strategic venture capital group. His team works to build collaborative bridges with start-up companies, large firms, universities, and research entities. Prior to joining UPS, David co-founded and led Innovation Programs at SunTrust Bank. He has a BA in economics from the University of Virginia and an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. David lives in Atlanta, Georgia, USA which the global headquarters for United Parcel Service.

The presenter(s) have granted permission for use of this content for IPN members only.  Please do not share this content outside of IPN without requesting permission from the presenter(s).




[DJAC] Video from Keynote Address by Asiff Hirji, President & COO of Coinbase.

Alliance Conference Keynote – Asiff Hirji (Slides)

Keynote Address by Asiff Hirji, President & COO of Coinbase.
Keynote was given at the Diamond Jubilee Alliances Conference held on Saturday, Sept. 29, 2018

Program Overview
As Asiff explores key technology changes of the coming decade, such as autonomous vehicles, cryptocurrencies, and the gig economy, he will frame our discussions centered around emerging trends that pervade industry boundaries. We will not only conceptualize these innovations, but also understand their impact on our lives in a very tangible way. In the face of rapid change, we will learn how vital professional networks and alliances are for successfully navigating and thriving through these disruptions. Join us for an invigorating session to glean key insights into paving the pathway to success.

Speaker Profile
Asiff Hirji is President & Chief Operating Officer of Coinbase. Prior to Coinbase, Asiff focused on accelerating growth at a number of portfolio companies for venture capital partner, Andreessen Horowitz. In 2002, Asiff rose from CIO to COO and ultimately President of TD Ameritrade, the world’s largest online broker, helping them grow to 4,000 employees. He also ran HP Enterprise Services (Reporting to Meg Whitman) with nearly 200,000 employees and $14B in revenue. He has also held senior leadership and governance roles at TPG Capital, Saxo Bank, and Bain Capital including being on the board of directors for several companies including Eze Software Group, TES Global, RentPath, and Citrix Systems.

The presenter(s) have granted permission for use of this content for IPN members only.  Please do not share this content outside of IPN without requesting permission from the presenter(s).




Faizan Kabani

IPN Spotlight: Faizan Kabani (Assistant Professor at Tenure Track)

Dr. Faizan Kabani serves as an Assistant Professor in the Caruth School of Dental Hygiene at Texas A&M College of Dentistry in Dallas, TX. In addition to teaching various didactic and clinical courses, Dr. Kabani also is the dental hygiene supervisor in the adult special care clinic at the College. He completed his PhD in Public Health at UNT Health Science Center. His research interests focus on improving the quality of life of vulnerable and underserved communities. Dr. Kabani is an avid researcher, published author, and international visiting scholar on diverse topics in dental public health and care for patients with special healthcare needs. In addition to that, he is also a trained and active Al-Waez.

What skills have helped you in your career?
Skills such as understanding and embracing principles of teaching, lifelong learning, evidence-based clinical care, and research are integral in helping me along my career path. More importantly, skills such as building passion and endurance within oneself was and continues to be a necessary skill in going beyond mediocrity and pursuing excellence.

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
In retrospect, I would like to have travelled more to gain a broader understanding of the global public health burden. In my experience, first hand exposures to the needs of vulnerable and underserved communities provide a more enriching perspective for public health professionals. Unfortunately, obtaining funds necessary to engage in these exposures is difficult, particularly for early careerists.

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
I engage in continuing education courses regularly as part of my commitment to evidence-based practice. This includes a minimum of 12-credit scientific and/or technical hours of certifiable continuing education coursework annually. As an educator, I also strive to continue learning and sharing my knowledge through attending and presenting at various regional, national, and international conferences.

What is next for you in your career?
As I reflect on my journey thus far and look towards the future, I find it in my heart a calling, a vocation, to continue serving as an educator – one dedicated to the principles of lifelong learning, mentorship, and scholarship. I look forward to learning something new every day and using these opportunities as an inspiration for me to become a better person.
More specifically, at the College, I am working diligently towards tenure and promotion with hopes to achieve this goal within the next five years. This includes efforts towards building a national and international reputation within my industry and particular field of expertise. Thus, I invest a significant amount of my time in evidence-based research and practice.

What advice would you offer to others?
One key advice to others is to seek mentorship and counsel throughout your life. As Hazrat Ali -alayhi s-salam once said, “No belief is like modesty and patience, no attainment is like humility, no honor is like knowledge, no power is like forbearance, and no support is more reliable than consultation”. It is important to understand that one simply cannot know the answer to everything in life and that opening ourselves up, with sincere humility, to learn from others is critical in our journey.

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Consider the potential for a career in dental hygiene and/or academia
• Navigating graduate school and degree program options
• Seeking to better understand and integrate faith in professional life

Please provide the link to your LinkedIn profile:
Dr. Faizan Kabani

Please provide your preferred email address so interested professionals can network with you:
[email protected]


If you would like to nominate someone to be a part of the spotlight, click Here.


Shamsah Virani (Pakistan)

IPN Spotlight: Shamsah Virani (Marketing & Communications Director, Aga Khan University Health Services, Pakistan)

Shamsah was born in London, UK to a family with very humble beginnings. Her parents had emigrated from India in the early 1960’s. She grew up watching her family struggle to build a life for themselves, witnessing her parents being frugal, hardworking and persevering through some challenging circumstances. The one underlying strength that held their family together was their steadfast faith and this was a constant in their lives. Being heavily influenced by Hazar Imam’s guidance, Shamsah’s father invested his relentless efforts towards ensuring his daughters were empowered with education.
Shamsah received her Bachelors in Science in Human Physiology from University of Leeds and a Masters in Human and Applied Physiology from King’s College London. Her 20 + years career path spent in pharmaceutical healthcare, began in London in a Sales role, continued in Toronto in Training & Development, Research and Product Management roles, and then onto California in Business Development, Global Brand Management, Commercial Development and Executive Marketing Management roles. In 2014, she and her family landed in Pakistan where she has been the Director for Marketing, Marketing Research, Contact Centre and Communications, working for Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH).

What skills have helped you in your career?
• Communications
• Critical thinking
• Analytical
• Emotional intelligence
• Focus on your goals

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
During my student days – I wish I was more focused. In my opinion, the institutional excellence and caliber has the ability to create a sound foundation in a person’s life and so I feel I wish I had been more studious in my studies to ensure I was able to access the best educational institutions early on in my life. I continue to develop myself through professional development courses and reading material in my field.

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
I subscribe to professional associations and online journals which keep me updated on the latest developments and trends in my industry. I actively network within the industry.

What is next for you in your career?
I would like to continue my work at AKUH and the AKDN network, It was a privilege to be able to build a marketing and communication department from scratch and I’d like to explore how else I can contribute as the experience has been very rewarding.

What advice would you offer to others?
‘Find your passion and stay true to yourself. Set clear goals and work hard to achieve them. Don’t forget to always lean on your faith’

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Marketing
• Communications
• Career- professional coaching

Please provide the link to your LinkedIn profile:
Shamsah Virani

Please provide your preferred email address so interested professionals can network with you:
[email protected]

Karachi, Pakistan

If you would like to nominate someone to be a part of the spotlight, click Here.


Video: CRISPR and Genome Engineering (Mar. 10, 2018)


CRISPR and Genome Engineering – Dr. Rob Mitra, Ph.D
The webinar was held on Saturday, March 10, 2018.

Program Overview
CRISPR – the ground-breaking gene-editing technology that will revolutionize health, medicine, and touch virtually every segment across the economy. This webinar – designed and led by experts in Genetics, Technology, and Economics – will quickly bring the highlights of this technology to you and provide a glimpse of the future with a “crisp” eye toward potential careers and economic opportunities – projected to be a multi-billion dollar market worldwide.

Speaker Profile
Rob Mitra is the Alvin Goldfarb Professor of Computational Biology in the Department of Genetics and Edison Family Center for Genome Sciences and Systems Biology at Washington University in St. Louis. He has been developing and applying genomic technologies for over 20 years. As a postdoctoral trainee in George Church’s lab, he performed some early proof-of-principle experiments for next-generation DNA sequencing. Upon moving to Washington University he developed genomic-based targeted capture methods, methods for recording transcription factor binding during development, and, in collaboration with Jim Havranek and Don Elbert, developed surfaces, reagents, and protocols for detecting and sequencing single protein molecules. His current research interests are focused on understanding how transcription factors achieve their in vivo specificities and dissecting the gene regulatory networks that govern developmental processes

The presenter(s) have granted permission for use of this content for IPN members only.  Please do not share this content outside of IPN without requesting permission from the presenter(s).




IPN and IHPA : Webinar on Saturday, March 10th 2018 – CRISPR the Next Multi-Billion $ Market

IPN and IHPA are pleased to host a webinar on CRISPR – the ground-breaking gene-editing technology that will revolutionize health, medicine, and touch virtually every segment across the economy.

The webinar – designed and led by experts in Genetics, Technology, and Economics – will quickly bring the highlights of this technology to you and provide a glimpse of the future with a “crisp” eye toward potential careers and economic opportunities – projected to be a multi-billion dollar market worldwide.

The webinar will be held on Saturday, March 10th 2018 at 1pm ET.
Click Here to register!

Dr. Rob Mitra, Ph.D. is Professor of Genetics at Washington University Medical School in St. Louis, MO. Dr. Mitra’s lab remains focused on this technology and has developed several front-end methods such as pooled-sample sequencing and Nested-Patch PCR. In addition, Dr. Mitra serves as Director of the Washington University Genomic Technology Access Center (GTAC), which provides next generation sequencing and analysis to the Washington University.

Karim Budhwani has been CEO of Elixir International, a technology and management firm in Birmingham, AL, for more than 20 years. He also serves as a Visiting Scientist at Coe College with research focusing on the intersections of materials science, nanotechnology, and biomedical sciences.


Dr. Shirin Poonja

IPN Spotlight: Dr. Shirin Poonja (Hospitalist, Loyola University Medical Center)

Dr. Shirin Poonja is board-certified in Internal Medicine, and practices Hospital Medicine at Loyola University Medical Center. In addition to her clinical time, Shirin is an Assistant Professor and Director of the Nutrition Vertical Curriculum at Loyola’s Stritch School of Medicine. She also currently serves as Kamadiani Ma for the Chicago Downtown Jamat Khana.

What skills have helped you in your career?
There are three fundamental skills I have used to navigate my career – empathy, problem-solving and taking initiative. When patients are admitted to the hospital, they are likely most vulnerable, requiring me to extend a level of empathy that acknowledges their psychosocial state. I then mobilize to gather patient data, and analyze and synthesize a diagnosis that is then addressed with cost-effective treatments. Additionally, when I first started at Loyola University Medical Center, I was determined to fulfill my clinical duties while building a presence on the medical campus via teaching engagements. I have also pursued scholarly activities such as co-authoring book chapters, participating in speaking engagements at peer institutions, and contributing to medical literature in national publications. I have learned that in many western societies, choosing one’s career is an important decision, but the luxury we have is to pursue opportunities that can dramatically evolve our skill set.

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
I had the privilege of serving as Chief Resident during residency, which offered me a unique and valuable perspective on leadership, administration and medical education. However, I was not trained in the methodologies and processes for curriculum development. How does one define goals and objectives for curriculum content? What are various methods of assessment for students? When I took the role of Director of the Nutrition Vertical Curriculum, I had to lean more heavily on senior colleagues, online modules and best practices to gain a better appreciation to fulfill my role. Similarly, your profession may require you to think more holistically about accomplishing objectives, and gaining team support to acquire new skills; be ready and willing!

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
Like other professions, the healthcare field requires continuing medical education that I attempt to fulfill daily – reading health care journals, attending on-campus presentations, and frequenting regional and national conferences. Additionally, there is no better way to stay ahead of new knowledge than teaching it, so I find delivering medical education key to my ability to continue building my own knowledge.

What is next for you in your career?
Given that my primary focus is clinical, I am pursuing the clinical educator track, which will lead to academic promotion following demonstration of greater scholarly contribution, excellence in teaching, service to the Stritch School of Medicine, and even recognition outside the Loyola Community. These efforts cannot merely be achieved overnight, but require investment and dedication from day one. In order to advance your career, start early!

What advice would you offer to others?
Realize that one reason we aim to excel in our professions is to serve our community. Use the skills that have been acquired in your career to further our institutional capacities, either at the local or national level. Additionally, for those who feel that accommodating service into an already demanding career is difficult, remember that personal or professional challenges will always present themselves in various forms. Someone once told me, when there is a “seva” knock at the door, open it (in other words, be willing to accept service opportunities when they are presented to you)!

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Career counseling in hospital medicine
• Balancing work/life/jamati responsibilities
• Nutrition-related guidance

Please provide the link to your LinkedIn profile:
Shirin Poonja

If you would like to nominate someone to be a part of the spotlight, click Here.