
Nahek Hussain

Nahek is currently studying Marketing and Management at Penn State University, and will be graduating in 2020. In the summer of 2019, Nahek interned for Wrklyf as a Marketing and Sales Intern.

IPN Student Spotlight: Nahek Hussain, Senior at Penn State University

Nahek is currently studying Marketing and Management at Penn State University, and will be graduating in 2020. In the summer of 2019, Nahek interned for Wrklyf as a Marketing and Sales Intern. The Ismaili Entrepreneur who founded Wrklyf reached out to Ismaili Professionals Network, and after providing a shortlist, Nahek was selected by the Wrklyf team. During his internship, he created social media accounts, directed marketing endeavors, created multiple Facebook campaigns targeting different segments in retail and office worker space, sent onboarding emails and SMS flow for new and trial users, and created a video screencast showing how to use the app. This was Nahek’s 3rd internship in the Marketing/Technology industry. He is currently seeking full time opportunities in the marketing industry, and is considering pursuing an MBA later in his career.  Congratulations Nahek on all your achievements thus far!

You can connect with Nahek through LinkedIn: Nahek Hussain


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