
Nadya Shakoor

Born in Bangladesh, Nadya Shakoor traveled and studied in Iran and Pakistan and finally settled in Houston, Texas in 1995. Houston Chronicle, the state’s most read newspaper, gave her the first chance to showcase her talent. Nadya works as a features and news designer as well as an illustrator for Houston Chronicle’s editorial staff.

IPN Spotlight: Nadya Shakoor (Designer at Houston Chronicle)

Born in Bangladesh, Nadya Shakoor traveled and studied in Iran and Pakistan and finally settled in Houston, Texas in 1995. Houston Chronicle, the state’s most read newspaper, gave her the first chance to showcase her talent. Nadya works as a features and news designer as well as an illustrator for Houston Chronicle’s editorial staff. Nadya was awarded first place for her design portfolios in the 2015 and 2016 Texas Associated Press Media Editors awards.

Some interesting facts about Shakoor are that she is an accomplished paper artist who can sculpt animals and flowers out of paper; Nadya didn’t intend to be a journalist. She trained to become a product designer who would give form and life to various ideas — from the shape of chairs to the style of beverage bottles. Now she helps shapes the Chronicle’s visual image.

What skills have helped you in your career?
Humor – seeing the lighter side of any given situation has helped me significantly throughout my career. It has helped me build a strong camaraderie among my colleagues along with grit and perseverance. The news industry revolves around deadlines and changes. Breaking boundaries, taking risks, trying the unconventional routes with designs and annoying the pressmen. Adding humor reminds everyone to enjoy the work time spent away from family.

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
Although this field of creative and illustrative journalism is learned by engaging in assignments and working through challenges. Looking back, I wonder if getting a degree in Fine Arts or an MBA would have given me further career options. Determination, sincerity in effort, and ability to work with all personalities has helped me land unexpected opportunities, and I am incredibly grateful for it.

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
I read blogs and review design sites to monitor and incorporate current trends. I incessantly experiment with animation and After Effects since most of the learning process occurs by trying new techniques.

What is next for you in your career?
Visual Journalism has its limitations, and in these changing and fast-paced times require quick fixes. There was a time when you had days for a particular project; now it has to be done in hours. This means roles change, and you learn to adapt yourself.
Currently, I am being trained by CCI as a Super User to create Codes/Tags for a new, newsroom content management and publishing system. NewsGate is where you plan, design, manage, edit, package and distribute all the content – with one unified tool. Eventually, my role would be to train other journalists, designers and resource staff and provide assistance when required to create additional product changes based on feedback. The goal is to use my years of experience to help others grow and improve their performance.

What advice would you offer to others?
“Don’t waste your potential, do something! Get a canvas, throw some color on it, just splashes of color, and slowly envision it turning into a story,”- the point is to pursue your goals, as it can lead to great success in the future. Follow your passion. Be creative, dedicated, and persistently engage in active learning.

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Print and Digital Design
• Career Advice
• Internship opportunities when available
• Assistance with design in their current projects

Please provide the link to your LinkedIn profile:
Nadya Shakoor


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