
Lela Nensey Basaria

Lela Nensey Basaria acquired her degree in Finance from DePaul University and worked at Federal Reserve as a Bank Auditor/Budget Analyst. After working long hours in the corporate world Lela decided to be with her daughter and leave Federal Reserve and went back to school to obtain a degree in Early Childhood Education along with becoming certified as a director for a preschool.

IPN Spotlight: Lela Nensey Basaria (Real Estate Broker, Baird & Warner )

Lela Nensey Basaria acquired her degree in Finance from DePaul University and worked at Federal Reserve as a Bank Auditor/Budget Analyst. After working long hours in the corporate world Lela decided to be with her daughter and leave Federal Reserve and went back to school to obtain a degree in Early Childhood Education along with becoming certified as a director for a preschool. Lela’s dream of starting a preschool was placed aside when they were faced with the challenges of 9/11. Lela started a small business in the mall and then in 2006, she purchased a franchise, Cinnabon, and in 2012 she obtained her Real Estate License. She began her Jamati involvement in 2001 as a TA, then, was appointed as a principal of NREC. She has also been a part of the Social Welfare Board for a few years and currently blessed with the position of REC coordinator. They were blessed with the opportunity to serve behind part for Chandratt Majalas as well. Lela’s daughter continued the tradition by becoming a TA then a teacher of 5th grade.

What skills have helped you in your career?
I honestly feel that my communication skills have proved to be paramount in my personal and professional career. I love working with people; whether they are mall managers, clients in Real Estate, and parents for REC, or teachers.

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
Looking back, I have no regrets towards the decisions I have made in my life. At times, I do think to myself, “Where would have I been today if I did not leave Federal Reserve–retiring a position of such high prestige. But then I look at our daughter. I was blessed enough to give her some time in my busy day when I switched career paths. She has turned out to be such a successful young lady, and now that she has left for college, every day I am thankful that I did not lose the opportunity to be with her. Shukar Mowla…for giving me the opportunity. In the end, I can easily say that the sacrifices I made were small in comparison to the rewards they helped me receive.

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
My daughter always says, “I can’t wait to be done with school,” and I always laugh and say, “Honey, you’re never going to be done learning.” In order to maintain my Real Estate license, I am asked to complete CE hours. Regardless of my required CE hours, I always like to learn and try to instill the passion of learning within my daughter as well. Currently, I am contemplating taking some Spanish classes to become fluent in a language I began learning in high school. I am able to communicate with native speakers, but I would really like to become completely fluent. I am also considering taking Physic classes……..lets see

What is next for you in your career?
I would like to sell my Cinnabon and finally pursue my dream to start a Pre-school, all the while maintaining my Real Estate career. I always pray: “Mowla, please guide me in the path which is beneficial for my family and always, always, bless us with the opportunity to continue SEVA in any way possible…”

What advice would you offer to others?
The best advice I can give to anyone is: to follow your passion–because at the end of the day, things do work out. Stay in school because you can never have too much education and that is one thing, which no one can take away from you. Always do SEVA in anyway possible. (Stay connected to your roots). I have blind faith and that would be my advice. That is what we tell our daughter follow your dream and pursue your passion…be honest and do SEVA. My blind faith says…When you do for Mowla then Mowla returns it right away…

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• I can help individuals with business advice
• I have also maintained great relationship with mall managers
• I can also give inside to the housing market or any which way possible

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