
Javed Hussain

Javed Hussain has been a resident of Plano, Texas since 1995. He has over 25 years’ experience in the field of information technology and has a diverse background and extensive experience enterprise solutions and delivery. As a Global Technology Executive with PepsiCo and a Global Account Director with SAP America, he led several successful business transformations for high growth Fortune 100 companies.

IPN Spotlight: Javed Hussain (Director of Global Technology Planning, Delivery and Governance, PepsiCo)

Javed Hussain has been a resident of Plano, Texas since 1995. He has over 25 years’ experience in the field of information technology and has a diverse background and extensive experience enterprise solutions and delivery. As a Global Technology Executive with PepsiCo and a Global Account Director with SAP America, he led several successful business transformations for high growth Fortune 100 companies.

What skills have helped you in your career?
Although I have extensive technical expertise, the key to my success has been my business-oriented approach, driving stakeholder engagement, building global high performing teams, and creating relationships and partnerships.

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
Nothing. How could I? Looking back to reflect and learn is great. However, spending too much in the past thinking about reasons for what we could have done differently and what outcome it could have produced, is not a good use of time. My one advice is to simply focus on present. What are your priorities? What are you passionate about? What can you do now to enhance your career?

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
I read a lot. I collaborate and invest time with industry leaders and experts. Speak at technology events and stay connected with various technology innovations via technology partners, providers and suppliers.

What is next for you in your career?
Every 3-4 years I have taken new into role to address business challenges while learning addressing business needs from holistic perspectives. I am looking to apply extensive technology, transformation and business experience to make much bigger contribution.

What advice would you offer to others?
Stay open to possibilities, but know what you want and why. If a right opportunity presents itself and it meets your criteria then don’t over think it and take the journey and explore.

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Mentoring
• Leadership development

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