
IPN : Webinar on Saturday, February 16th 2019 – Gender Bias In The Workplace

Gender bias is a concept that has recently gained some notoriety, but for a term bandied about so freely, do we truly understand what it is? How to identify it? Is it only women who face this? Do men experience it as well? Join us for a webinar with Ahmad Noordin, HR Director at Ulta Beauty, to learn the answers to these questions and more.

Gender bias is a concept that has recently gained some notoriety, but for a term bandied about so freely, do we truly understand what it is? How to identify it? Is it only women who face this?
Do men experience it as well?

This webinar aims to define gender bias, how it impacts both men and women and what you can do to change the narrative for you and/or your peers!

Join us on Saturday, February 16th 9am PST/12pm EST with Ahmad Noordin, HR Director at Ulta Beauty, to learn the answers to these questions and more!

Click Here To Register!

Let us learn how to change the narrative for ourselves and our peers!

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