
IPN Job Seeker Networking Guidelines

This is a set of guidelines a job seeking IPN member who is a “requestor” should follow when he or she networks with an “advisor” over email. Be honest & […]

This is a set of guidelines a job seeking IPN member who is a “requestor” should follow when he or she networks with an “advisor” over email.

  • Be honest & respectful
    • Trust are respect are at the foundation of any collaboration. Make sure you are honest and open about your situation. Make sure you treat your advisor the way you would like to be treated.
  • Do your homework
    • Homework begins with yourself. Be able to articulate what you are great at and what you will bring to your next employer.
    • Once you’ve done homework on yourself then you can do research about what kind of roles would be a fit for you. The IPN can help you with this.
  • Build a long-term relationship
    • Good networking is not a brief zero sum game, it is about building a long-term relationship. Every new introduction should be viewed as the beginning of a relationship.
    • If you have trouble understanding this, think of networking like a bank account—you have to make deposits and shore up social capital before making a withdrawal.
      • EXAMPLE: If you jump straight in and ask for a job this will put the advisor in an uncomfortable sport and make you look needy. Instead, share that you are job seeking and that as part of your research, you’d value his or her thoughts and guidance about companies, different roles, industry trends, etc. This will allow him or her to feel comfortable with your approach, to understand what he or she might do to assist, and at the advisor’s willing, mention any roles they are aware of.
  • Proofread
    • Attention to detail is important. Spelling and grammar errors can give the wrong first impression. Here are proofreading tips if English is not your first language. Finally, don’t forget to check the spelling of the name of the person you are emailing.
  • Follow-up
    • IPN expects emails to advisors to be responded to promptly; no more than 48 hours. When scheduling a call with an advisor, offer to create and send a calendar invite to your advisor, and honor your commitment
  • Give thanks
    • The advisor is taking time out out of their busy life to help and guide you. Thank them and update them on the result of their taking time.

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