
[DJAC Video] Workshop: How to use Social Media to Build Your Professional Brand

How can we use social media platforms and global connectivity to increase our professional presence, to identify and target our network, and to create completely novel career opportunities? Learn how to take advantage of the viral connectivity of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, as well as professional platforms such as LinkedIn, AngelList and SERMO, to build authority around your personal brand. Learn how to target your audience outside of crowded industry-centric groups, how to keep your image consistent across all outlets, how to engage regularly with diversified multi-media content, how to study and collaborate with influencers, and how to create upfront value for the highest success rates of engagement.

Workshop: How to use Social Media to Build Your Professional Brand
Session was held at the Diamond Jubilee Alliances Conference held September 2018.

Program Overview
How can we use social media platforms and global connectivity to increase our professional presence, to identify and target our network, and to create completely novel career opportunities? Learn how to take advantage of the viral connectivity of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, as well as professional platforms such as LinkedIn, AngelList and SERMO, to build authority around your personal brand. Learn how to target your audience outside of crowded industry-centric groups, how to keep your image consistent across all outlets, how to engage regularly with diversified multi-media content, how to study and collaborate with influencers, and how to create upfront value for the highest success rates of engagement.

Nureen Gulamali

The presenter(s) have granted permission for use of this content for IPN members only.  Please do not share this content outside of IPN without requesting permission from the presenter(s).



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