
[DJAC Video] How to Embed iCERV in Your Workplace

How can we embody our core ethic of service in the corporate world and become ambassadors for change in our professional lives? Many local non-profits struggle to procure adequate funding and volunteers. iCERV (Ismaili Community Engaged in Responsible Volunteering) offers a higher impact alternative. iCERV, when embedded in any corporate structure, creates a larger service footprint, as entire departments and business units get involved in service activities within their community. Often, there are designated community service days embedded within working hours, if not after-hours, as a way of team building while simultaneously giving back. Integrating iCERV as part of your company’s service endeavors is a way to leverage your professional network to contribute with greater impact through a larger vehicle of change.

How to Embed iCERV in Your Workplace
Session was held at the Diamond Jubilee Alliances Conference held September 2018.

Program Overview
How can we embody our core ethic of service in the corporate world and become ambassadors for change in our professional lives? Many local non-profits struggle to procure adequate funding and volunteers. iCERV (Ismaili Community Engaged in Responsible Volunteering) offers a higher impact alternative. iCERV, when embedded in any corporate structure, creates a larger service footprint, as entire departments and business units get involved in service activities within their community. Often, there are designated community service days embedded within working hours, if not after-hours, as a way of team building while simultaneously giving back. Integrating iCERV as part of your company’s service endeavors is a way to leverage your professional network to contribute with greater impact through a larger vehicle of change.

Amira Dhalla

Salima Khakoo
Salman Bhojani

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