
[DJAC Video] Finance in the 21st Century

The 20th century was all about big banks providing financial services to a few. The 21st century is all about FinTech upstarts unbundling traditional financial services and providing access to everyone, including more than 40% of the global population that is unbanked. In this session, we talk about how these companies use traditional banks as platforms, AI software to learn patterns and goals, and offer the kind of direction that used to come from human financial advisors and loan officers.

Finance in the 21st Century
Session was held at the Diamond Jubilee Alliances Conference held September 2018.

Program Overview
The 20th century was all about big banks providing financial services to a few. The 21st century is all about FinTech upstarts unbundling traditional financial services and providing access to everyone, including more than 40% of the global population that is unbanked. In this session, we talk about how these companies use traditional banks as platforms, AI software to learn patterns and goals, and offer the kind of direction that used to come from human financial advisors and loan officers.

Aly Alibhai

Asif Ramji

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