
[DJAC Video] Education in the 21st Century

As the field whose objective is to prepare generations for change, education is itself facing rapid change from all directions. Neuroscience research is surfacing better understanding of child development and informing new pedagogical methods. Technology is emerging as both a dynamic delivery vehicle (e.g. MOOCs) and a core foundational subject (e.g. computer science foundations for primary students). However, we continue to grapple with issues that persist and may even be more pronounced, such as global education divides, lack of school funding, rapidly-rising cost of higher education, and teacher retention and development. This engaging session explores the changing landscape in education and how other fields play an inextricable role in the education-related professions.

Education in the 21st Century
Session was held at the Diamond Jubilee Alliances Conference held September 2018.

Program Overview
As the field whose objective is to prepare generations for change, education is itself facing rapid change from all directions. Neuroscience research is surfacing better understanding of child development and informing new pedagogical methods. Technology is emerging as both a dynamic delivery vehicle (e.g. MOOCs) and a core foundational subject (e.g. computer science foundations for primary students). However, we continue to grapple with issues that persist and may even be more pronounced, such as global education divides, lack of school funding, rapidly-rising cost of higher education, and teacher retention and development. This engaging session explores the changing landscape in education and how other fields play an inextricable role in the education-related professions.

Sabina Bharwani

Danish Kurani
Nabeel Gillani
Zohra Manjee

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