
[DJAC Video] Take Control of Your Finances and Build Wealth

Learn how the most financially successful individuals optimize their savings hierarchies and plan early for retirement, take full advantage of employee benefits, offload debt, budget and monitor spending, diversify their venture’s exposure within their total asset base, reduce the volatility of their cash flow, keep a rainy day fund in reserve, choose a suitable asset allocation for their investment portfolio, and value the tradeoff between time and money. The road to building wealth is paved with goals – discover how close you are to your destination.

Take Control of Your Finances and Build Wealth
Session was held at the Diamond Jubilee Alliances Conference held September 2018.

Program Overview
Learn how the most financially successful individuals optimize their savings hierarchies and plan early for retirement, take full advantage of employee benefits, offload debt, budget and monitor spending, diversify their venture’s exposure within their total asset base, reduce the volatility of their cash flow, keep a rainy day fund in reserve, choose a suitable asset allocation for their investment portfolio, and value the tradeoff between time and money. The road to building wealth is paved with goals – discover how close you are to your destination.

Forest Fielder – UBS

Shanif Dhanani
Nabyl Charania

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