
[DJAC] Video from Keynote Address by Asiff Hirji, President & COO of Coinbase.

As Asiff explores key technology changes of the coming decade, such as autonomous vehicles, cryptocurrencies, and the gig economy, he will frame our discussions centered around emerging trends that pervade industry boundaries.

Alliance Conference Keynote – Asiff Hirji (Slides)

Keynote Address by Asiff Hirji, President & COO of Coinbase.
Keynote was given at the Diamond Jubilee Alliances Conference held on Saturday, Sept. 29, 2018

Program Overview
As Asiff explores key technology changes of the coming decade, such as autonomous vehicles, cryptocurrencies, and the gig economy, he will frame our discussions centered around emerging trends that pervade industry boundaries. We will not only conceptualize these innovations, but also understand their impact on our lives in a very tangible way. In the face of rapid change, we will learn how vital professional networks and alliances are for successfully navigating and thriving through these disruptions. Join us for an invigorating session to glean key insights into paving the pathway to success.

Speaker Profile
Asiff Hirji is President & Chief Operating Officer of Coinbase. Prior to Coinbase, Asiff focused on accelerating growth at a number of portfolio companies for venture capital partner, Andreessen Horowitz. In 2002, Asiff rose from CIO to COO and ultimately President of TD Ameritrade, the world’s largest online broker, helping them grow to 4,000 employees. He also ran HP Enterprise Services (Reporting to Meg Whitman) with nearly 200,000 employees and $14B in revenue. He has also held senior leadership and governance roles at TPG Capital, Saxo Bank, and Bain Capital including being on the board of directors for several companies including Eze Software Group, TES Global, RentPath, and Citrix Systems.

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