
VIDEO: Understanding the Artificial Intelligence Revolution (Sept. 25, 2016)


Understanding the Artificial Intelligence Revolution – Amyn Jan
Webinar was held on Sunday, September 25, 2016

Program Overview
Understanding the Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Advancement in Artificial Intelligence in recent years has presented technologies like self-driving cars and machines that understand speech, such as Amazon’s Echo device. Amyn Jan (Spotlight), Technical Director with the US Government, spoke about concepts like Deep Learning and its application in Medicine, Agriculture, Media and other industries in the webinar held on September 25th, 2016.

Speaker Profile
Amyn has spent over ten years with the US Government in various technical leadership roles working with diverse emerging technologies such as natural language processing, telematics & advanced cellular technologies. He is well-experienced in seeding several leading edge technical programs. Amyn has taught emerging technology classes in several US Government research forums as well as pioneered technical breakthroughs in this area. Prior to joining US Government, he spent ten years at private sector in applied research and product development. Amyn holds a Master’s Degree in Electrical and Biomedical Engineering as well as an MBA.

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VIDEO: How To Find Your Ideal Next Job (Sept. 19, 2017)


How To Find Your Ideal Next Job – Akbar Jaffer
Webinar was held on Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Program Overview
Are you looking for a job? Are you about to quit your job? Did you get laid off? Are you not happy in your current job?
If you answered yes to any one of these questions – we may find this webinar informative and useful. In this session you will learn framework for building your lifelong network and best practices and tools to find your next job.

Speaker Profile
Akbar Jaffer is a market technologist, product marketer, and a branding expert. Akbar is a 22-year resident of Silicon Valley and works with global C-level executives of startups to large enterprise companies to help their organizations grow; he is the current Chief Marketing Officer for ZorroSign.

Akbar is also the founding board member of the Northern California chapter of the Internet Marketing Association and speaks regularly at various events related to Internet Marketing and Marketing Technology. Akbar is also the author of a blog about innovation called the “Point of Intersection”.

Perhaps the most interesting point about Akbar is that he actively maintains his footprint in the entertainment industry and has successfully pivoted his career four times.

The presenter(s) have granted permission for use of this content for IPN members only.  Please do not share this content outside of IPN without requesting permission from the presenter(s).


VIDEO: Cyber Security Trends for 2016 & Beyond (May 1, 2016)


Cyber Security Trends for 2016 & Beyond – Zulfikar Ramzan
Webinar was held on Sunday, May 1, 2016

Program Overview
With cyber security breaches on the rise, are there any chances that your data has been targeted? What technology and market trends are occurring to meet the changing cybersecurity landscape? What does this mean for 2016 & beyond?

Join RSA CTO Zulfikar Ramzan (Spotlight), as he reveals the top trends that will impact cyber security practices. Watch this webinar and learn:
· Why cyberattacks continue to increase in sophistication, magnitude and velocity?
· Which security technologies and processes have changed to accommodate the demands of digital business?
· What trends will have the largest and smallest impact on cyber security in 2016 and beyond?
· What new career opportunities this brings for Technology professionals?
· What skills will be in demand?

Speaker Profile
As CTO, Dr. Zulfikar Ramzan leads the development of RSA’s technology strategy and focuses on bringing to market the innovations that protect RSA customers from the growing number of advanced threats. Prior to RSA, Ramzan served as CTO of Elastica (acquired by Blue Coat), where he leveraged machine learning and natural language processing to enable customers to more securely use cloud services. Before Elastica, he served as Chief Scientist of Sourcefire (acquired by Cisco) and malware analytics company Immunet (acquired by Sourcefire). Ramzan was previously Technical Director of Symantec’s Security Technology and Response division and architect for the company’s reputation-based malware detection technology. Ramzan holds a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and computer science from MIT.

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[DJAC] Archival Videos – Raw Videos from the Plenary Sessions.

Archival Videos – Raw Videos from the Plenary Sessions.
Sessions were held at the Diamond Jubilee Alliances Conference held September 2018.

Friday Sessions

Sabeen Dhanani Intro & President Nizar Remarks

Chairman Celina Sherrif

Chairman Zubair Talib

Sabeen Dhanani Wrap Up



Saturday Sessions

Sabeen Morning Intro

Fahim Morning about DJAC

VP Zahir Welcome and Guidance

Antasha – Mentor Moments Intro

Sabeen Dhanani Morning Closing


The presenter(s) have granted permission for use of this content for IPN members only.  Please do not share this content outside of IPN without requesting permission from the presenter(s).




VIDEO: Actuarial and Risk Management (June 24th 2017)


Actuarial and Risk Management – Actuarial and Risk Team
Webinar was held on Saturday, June 24, 2017

Program Overview

The Ismaili Professional Network Actuarial and Risk group held its first webinar for Students and professionals interested in exploring the field of actuarial science. This introductory webinar was designed to briefly discuss basics of Actuarial profession (to help students gain deeper insights with career choices) and how the profession is emerging with ever changing dynamics of the society.

Speaker Profiles

Arif Virani – McKinsey (New York)

Zeeshan Rehmani – KPMG (Atlanta)
Zeeshan Rehmani is an Actuary with KPMG based in Atlanta. He has been focused on areas including Strategy, Value Based Management, Risk and Capital Management, Investments and Transformation. His clients include the world’s largest multinational financial services institutions. Prior to KPMG Zeeshan was an Actuary with AIG and played a key strategic role in the payback to the US Federal Reserves and Treasury. Zeeshan is a Fellow of Society of Actuaries and a Member of Academy of Actuaries.

Aly Moosa – KPMG (Dallas)
Aly Moosa is an Actuary with KPMG’s Dallas Life and Health Insurance Actuarial Consulting Practice. He has over ten years of experience in the insurance industry. Aly provides audit and advisory services to the world’s largest multinational entities in the financial services and insurance sectors. He has significant knowledge in financial reporting, actuarial modeling, systems conversion, and project management. Prior to joining KPMG, he held positions in the Financial Reporting Group of two multinational insurance companies, AIG and Scor Global Life Re, where he worked on a variety of modeling platforms and valuation bases, including IFRS and Solvency II. Aly is an Associate of Society of Actuaries and a Member of the Academy of Actuaries.

Saira Makhani – CNA (Chicago)
Saira Makhani is an Actuary with CNA based in Chicago. She is currently working as a Long term care pricing actuary with focus on individual and group market. Prior to CNA, Saira was an Actuary with Allstate Life and Retirement and worked in several capacities on Asset Liability Management, Modeling and Valuation and Finance teams. Saira is an Associate of Society of Actuaries.

Zain Attawala – McGriff, Seibels & Williams (Atlanta)
Zain Attawala was an actuary at McGriff Seibels and Williams based in Atlanta, Georgia. He worked as a reserving actuary performing reserve analysis, product management, collateral requirements, and merger and acquisitions. Previously, zain has acted as a pricing actuary for Interstate National Corporation, AIG and AXIS. At INC, he focused on pricing extended coverages for automobiles. Whereas, at AIG and AXIS he performed pricing for casualty lines of business and developed rating models. With a passion for entrepreneurship, Zain has recently transitioned to real estate acquisitions and retail service businesses.

Mehb Khoja – Milliman (Chicago)

The presenter(s) have granted permission for use of this content for IPN members only.  Please do not share this content outside of IPN without requesting permission from the presenter(s).


VIDEO: Ethical Consideration for the Future of A.I. (February 26, 2017)


IPN Technology SIG : Ethical Consideration for the Future of A.I. – Nabeel Gillani
Webinar was held on Sunday, February 26, 2017

Program Overview

Advancements in Artificial Intelligence have tremendous potential to support advancements in Science and Medicine. However, there is a need to understand the implications and mitigating factors for overcoming ethical & other associated challenges arising from such advancements. Nabeel Gillani (Spotlight), former Rhode Scholar and a graduate student and researcher in the Lab for Social Machines at the MIT Media Lab, spoke about “filter bubbles” on social media, mitigating discrimination in machine learning and AI implications on the future workforce, in the webinar held on February 26, 2017.

Speaker Profile

Nabeel is a graduate student and researcher in the Lab for Social Machines at the MIT Media Lab. His research combines data science, machine learning, and sociology to build tools that promote the positive use of artificial intelligence and social platforms for society. Previously, Nabeel was a Product Manager at Khan Academy, where he helped design and implement online technologies for students and educators around the world. He is also a co-founder of, a digital experiential learning platform that helps lifelong learners from over 100 countries revamp their workplace-relevant skills by working with companies to solve real-world problems. Nabeel graduated with a ScB in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Brown University, and Master’s degrees in Education and Machine Learning from the University of Oxford, where he was a Rhodes Scholar.

The presenter(s) have granted permission for use of this content for IPN members only.  Please do not share this content outside of IPN without requesting permission from the presenter(s).


How to Build a LinkedIn Profile

If you want the recruiters to find you, review the tips below.

  • To search keywords, you may also go to job description, use the tool “WORD CLOUD”, available free of charge at –
  • Your LinkedIn profile is very often your first point of introduction. Make it powerful, make it memorable and make it something that you’re proud to share.
  • Use your own profile keywords, for your summary. This is where you summarize your professional brand, why you do it and what you are known for. Emphasize the areas you add value to and where your experience comes from utilizing the soft skills, which have supported your career thus far.
  • In your experience section – using the keywords, start your job descriptions with a few short lines that define the overall scope of the position and your responsibility.
  • Communicate important information and demonstrate the positive results you have delivered in each position; include all details that you would include on a two-page resume, because this is where you can expand on all your accomplishments.
  • Choose your best head shot for your picture. A Graduation picture (the professional ones taken by the school) is a great option. Use a solid colored background and smile.
  • Customize your LinkedIn URL and remove all numbers, keep it simple.
  • Languages – Indicate level (based on five options) of proficiency and include Gujarati, Hindi, and Urdu – all recognized by LinkedIn.
  • Add skills, honors, publications and awards to your profile as well as your volunteer work.
  • Provide contact information that you are comfortable with – do not post your number if you are not ready for incoming calls and messages from numbers you do not recognize.

If you want to be found, through LinkedIn, use these strategies to optimize your profile.



Tips & Tricks: How to Write a Cover Letter

Promote yourself and excite the employer to read your resume


  • Address to the real person’s name, if you do not do you can find it through the company website, LinkedIn or another channel
  • Focus on specific opportunity
  • Research the company and convey why you have interest for this position (i.e admiration for the company’s cause)
  • Tailor your cover letter to each of the desired requirements
  • Bring out how your background meets their needs in a comprehensive narrative
  • Be specific positive, confident and brief
  • Profile your top qualification, such as a high GPA, unique skill sets, professional advancement, etc.
  • Show solutions for potential employers’ pain points and how you can meet their needs
  • Mention the referral source at the top if you were referred
  • Close with a call of action


  • Do not address to “whom it may concern” in your salutation
  • Do not say you are the ‘best candidate’ and ‘perfect fit’  (let the employer make that assessment)
  • Do not make the letter about your wants, but how you can help
  • Do not talk badly about the previous employer
  • Do not forget to proof read

If you have any questions or need assistance please contact IPN Team.


Negotiating Your Salary

Focus on knowing your worth and researching industry salary averages

Here’s a secret: Employers rarely make their best salary offer first, and job candidates who negotiate their salaries generally earn much more than those who do not. A well thought out negotiation makes you look like a stronger candidate and employee.

First, get the hiring manager to see your value.

  • Demonstrate that your skills are valuable to the company.
  • If possible, defer the salary discussion until the company has had a chance to understand the value you bring to the position. You need to establish trust and credibility and a rapport to convince the other party that they are making the right decision.
  • Once this is achieved, it is generally easier to negotiate the appropriate salary package.

Do your research and understand your market value.

Don’t discuss salary too early.

  • If possible, wait until an offer has been made. Get the offer in writing or wait until asked about your salary requirements. If you are asked your salary requirements prior to receiving an offer, quote a range based on your knowledge of similar positions, or ask the hiring manager during your second or third interview what the salary range is for the job.
  • Do not commit too quickly. Thank the employer for the offer and ask when they need a response by. This shows you are a thoughtful candidate and also allows you time to work on your negotiation strategy.
  • Discuss salary in terms of your total compensation package rather than base salary alone. Benefits, bonuses, vacation time, and overtime are all part of your overall compensation package
  • Negotiate extras. If base salary is fixed, things like additional vacation time, telecommuting, bonuses, and education reimbursement may be negotiable.

If you have any questions or need assistance please contact IPN Team.

Article by the Resume Support Team



Interview Tips: Leave your interviewer feeling wowed!

Dress to Impress

·  Ask the Recruiter and confirm the dress code at the office. Show that you care about your appearance and take pride in yourself as you will also do in your work.

·  Be sure to be well-groomed and smelling good. First impressions are key for a successful interview.

Preparation and Communication is key

·  Prepare ahead of time by reading the job posting and company website and relate your skills to the position you applied to avoid rambling. Only answer the questions you are asked.

·  If you are not sure of a question that is being asked or get flustered or nervous be sure to clarify it and repeat the question back for example…so let me make sure I understood your question are you asking if I have previous experience in preparing….etc.

·  Match your interviewer’s style, pace and demeanor.

·  Do practice mock interviews to get feedback and work on your weaknesses.

·  Be sure to use appropriate language at all times. Don not become too friendly or familiar with the interviewer.

Ask questions

·  Ask the Recruiter and confirm the dress code at the office. Show that you care about your appearance and take pride in yourself as you will also do in your work.

·  Be sure to be well-groomed and smelling good. First impressions are key for a successful interview

If you have any questions or need assistance please contact IPN-PSP (Placement Support Program)

Article contributed by the Professional Support Program team.