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Webinar: IPN Women in Finance Webinar (Jan. 19, 2020)


IPN Women in Finance Webinar – Farheen Jooma, Rozmin Ajanee, Zahra Hirani

Webinar Overview

This webinar highlights successful women in finance. It sheds light on their experiences and how they navigated their respective industries to get to where they are today.

The webinar was held on Sunday, January 19, 2020.

Speaker Profiles

Panelist – Farheen Jooma – Strategy Consultant at Accenture
Farheen is a Strategy Consultant within Accenture’s CFO & Enterprise Value practice, in which she helps shape the corporate finance strategy and vision of the future for her clients, including several of the largest companies in the world. Farheen collaborates with her team members at Accenture and their client counterparts to build an understanding of the company, its strengths, weaknesses, and goals, and craft a targeted approach and roadmap for success. Farheen has worked on client projects surrounding Artificial Intelligence, financial planning and modeling, digital marketing capabilities, cloud data migration, and many others. Farheen graduated from Duke University in May of 2017 with a B.S. in Economics and a minor in Markets & Management.

Panelist – Zahra Hirani – Director of International Finance at Boeing
Zahra Hirani is currently the Director of International Finance at The Boeing Company which includes enablement of compliant and executable international business in support of the Company’s global growth initiatives.

Zahra graduated from the University of Waterloo with a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Honours in Accounting and Information Systems.

Panelist – Rozmin Ajanee – Vice President Private Equity, Jasper Ridge Partners
Rozmin Ajanee is a Vice President on the Private Equity team of Jasper Ridge Partners, an investment management firm that manages over $20 billion in assets. Rozmin focuses on private equity direct investing and co-investments, where she leads investments in growth and buyout assets. Rozmin earned a BS from Northwestern University and an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business.

The presenter(s) have granted permission for use of this content for IPN members only. Please do not share this content outside of IPN without requesting permission from the presenter(s).




IPN Finance Alliance Webinar – Women in Finance – Sunday, Jan.19th, 2020 at 1PM ET

The IPN Finance Alliance will be hosting a webinar highlighting successful women in finance that will shed light on their experiences and how they navigated their respective industries to get to where they are today.  They will provide advice for community members and aspiring female professionals on how to be successful in the financial field.

This webinar will be featuring:

Panelist – Rozmin Ajanee – Vice President at Jasper Ridge Partners

Panelist – Zahra Hirani – Director, International Finance Strategy at The Boeing Company

Moderator – Farheen Jooma –  Strategy Consultant at Accenture

Format: Live online Q&A session with a moderator.

Registration Link:  CLICK HERE SIGN UP


Ismaili Artists Alliance (IAA) Member Page


The purpose of the Ismaili Artists Alliance (IAA) is to unite Ismailis pursuing the Arts through mentorship, skill building, collaboration, service, and support.


IPN Alliances Overview

Alliances Overview

The purpose of IPN Alliances are to foster the professional and personal development of Ismaili professionals working in related industries by creating a community where individuals can come together for networking, knowledge sharing, mentorship and career advancement to help and grow from one another.

Technology Alliance

Join Technology Alliance

Finance Alliance

Join Finance Alliance

Ismaili Professionals in Education and Academia (IPEA)


Women’s Alliance

Join Women’s Alliance

Public Service Alliance

Join Public Service Alliance

Entrepreneurship and Ventures Alliance (EVA)

Join EVA

Ismaili Health Professionals Association (IHPA)

Join IHPA Alliance

American Ismaili Chamber of Commerce (AICC)


The presenter(s) have granted permission for use of this content for IPN members only.  Please do not share this content outside of IPN without requesting permission from the presenter(s).




National IPN Summit Lead

The Ismaili Professionals Network (IPN) Alliance team is looking for an experienced event manager to lead the scheduling and deployment of 2 IPN Summits. The ideal candidate is someone that has professional experience or Jamati experience planning and executing events and is comfortable working with multiple teams to build out an event calendar for Regional IPN. This position requires a 1-year commitment and 4-7 hours per week. This role will receive a LinkedIn recommendation by the Alliance lead at the end of their term and is TKN applicable.


Tahir Merali (Canada)

IPN Spotlight: Tahir Merali (Project Management Engineer at the Canadian Space Agency)

Mr. Merali is a Project Management Engineer with the Canadian Space Agency‘s (CSA) Enterprise Project Management Office where he works with teams to implement project governance. He also performs systems engineering activities related to Canada’s contribution to Lunar Gateway program.
Prior to joining CSA, Tahir worked across aerospace, energy & automotive industries, including as Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) of the Canadian Space Commerce Association (CSCA), formerly Canada’s trade association for space. He has presented innovative strategies to Fortune 500 executives. He previously worked at European Space Agency (ESA), as an astronaut instructor. He developed and delivered training for crew on International Space Station (ISS) systems and operations. He has also reported on the nanosatellite market as a business analyst with a Dutch start-up.

His work experience gave him the opportunity to visit several countries. Tahir offers unique perspectives having spent 10 minutes in “weightlessness” aboard a parabolic flight and developed 2 microgravity life-science experiments that have flown aboard the ISS. He is a strong advocate for space awareness and education, and has been peer-review published alongside several conference proceedings and panels. He has been recognized across industries by superiors & peers for excellence and leadership. In 2018, he was awarded globally as a Top 35 Under 35 of the space industry, selected by a panel of industry movers & shakers for his achievement, dedication, outreach and contribution to the space business.
Tahir is a graduate of the International Space University (M.Sc Space Management) and the University of Toronto (B.A.Sc Mechanical Engineering). He is a licensed professional engineer with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA), certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP), and is a PADI-licensed Advanced Open Water Scuba Diver. Tahir was ranked qualified (Top-163) in the 2016 Canadian Astronaut Recruitment Campaign. Follow him @kulfispace!

What skills have helped you in your career?
Working in the Space industry requires using multi-disciplinary skills and while it may seem odd, skills learnt from my various leadership roles from different industries whether it was serving on nonprofit board, or engineering experience from the auto industry all acclimated and were useful to me in my current profession. One similarity is satellite manufacturing and in today’s NewSpace environment, how it is beginning to mimic models which are used and leveraged more commonly in auto manufacturing. Apply skill sets learnt, even if acquired in one industry because interpersonal skills and the ability to problem solve remain foundationally applicable across various industries.

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
My professional career and engagement with the Canadian government requires me to be able to continuously update my ability to communicate with diverse stakeholders and so currently I am strengthening my French.
Serving on various directorship boards have enabled me to gain insight into different skill sets like financial budgeting and strategic planning which can then be reapplied in some capacity in my personal or professional life.
It is important to keep a vision for lifelong learning; work in a volunteer capacity, find opportunities to expand your own horizons, get uncomfortable, and be open to grow the necessary skill set.

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
Don’t be discouraged if your plans don’t turn out the way you expected them; I wish I had known earlier in my life that its OK if plans change.
Very early on in my career I was given an opportunity and a challenge to move halfway across the world to Germany as an instructor to astronauts. Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined I would pursue this path, but it was the most memorable and enriching experience of my life. Learn to be flexible in your plans, don’t focus on one “typical” path to success – what is important is to realize there are numerous ways to achieve the same objective.
The best thing that I did differently was pursuing a non-conventional path for my undergraduate degree. Being able to work for a year enabled me to gain insight into how theoretical courses taught were applicable to solve real-life problems. But more importantly it provided me with the opportunity to realize what I was and was not passionate about pursuing as part of my future career.

What is next for you in your career?
I am extremely fortunate that my passion for the space sector and interest in project management both intersect in a way whereby work is an absolute joy for me. We are living in an age of historical space achievement with exciting programs like the international lunar Gateway, and companies like SpaceX, and so for the next phase of my career, I would like to lead and contribute to future projects where various stakeholders, academic institutions and government engage to shape Canada’s space initiatives.

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Career and leadership mentorship and guidance for space industry
• Opportunities for connecting researchers to network leads for knowledge sharing
• Creating opportunities to explore new possibilities

Please provide the link to your LinkedIn profile:
Tahir Merali

Please provide your preferred email address so interested professionals can network with you:
[email protected]

Montreal, Canada

If you would like to nominate someone to be a part of the spotlight, click Here.


[Ignite Growth Conference] Keynote: Thriving through the next wave of disruption with Asiff Hirji (Slides)


Ignite Growth Conference – Keynote: Thriving through the next wave of disruption with Asiff Hirji (Slides)


Keynote Address by Asiff Hirji, President & COO of Coinbase.
Keynote was given at the Ignite Growth Conference Calgary held in May 2019

Program Overview
As Asiff explores key technology changes of the coming decade, such as autonomous vehicles, cryptocurrencies, and the gig economy, he will frame our discussions centered around emerging trends that pervade industry boundaries. We will not only conceptualize these innovations, but also understand their impact on our lives in a very tangible way. In the face of rapid change, we will learn how vital professional networks and alliances are for successfully navigating and thriving through these disruptions. Join us for an invigorating session to glean key insights into paving the pathway to success.

Speaker Profile
Asiff Hirji is President & Chief Operating Officer of Coinbase. Prior to Coinbase, Asiff focused on accelerating growth at a number of portfolio companies for venture capital partner, Andreessen Horowitz. In 2002, Asiff rose from CIO to COO and ultimately President of TD Ameritrade, the world’s largest online broker, helping them grow to 4,000 employees. He also ran HP Enterprise Services (Reporting to Meg Whitman) with nearly 200,000 employees and $14B in revenue. He has also held senior leadership and governance roles at TPG Capital, Saxo Bank, and Bain Capital including being on the board of directors for several companies including Eze Software Group, TES Global, RentPath, and Citrix Systems.

The presenter(s) have granted permission for use of this content for IPN members only.  Please do not share this content outside of IPN without requesting permission from the presenter(s).




Judge Halim Dhanidina

IPN Spotlight: Judge Halim Dhanidina (Associate Justice for the Court of Appeal for the Second District of California)

Featured in the DC News & Views Judge Halim Dhanidina, serves as an associate justice for the Court of Appeal for the Second District of California, the first Muslim and South Asian American justice writing a new page in history of the California courts. Previously, Judge Dhanidina served as the deputy district attorney for Los Angeles County from 1998- 2012. During the span of his service, Governor Jerry Brown first appointed him to a judgeship in the Los Angeles County Superior Court. Judge Dhanidina, has been an advocate to tackle misguidedness of xenophobic bigotries as well as the necessity for public servants to represent their communities. He is serving as founding member of the Association of South Asian Prosecutors, Asian Pacific American and South Asian Bar Associations. Judge Dhanidina’s accomplishments and exemplary work stand to disrupt the stereotypical image of what a Muslim looks like to the general American public.
Judge Dhanidina received his Bachelor of Arts in international relations 1994 from Pomona College and Juris Doctorate from UCLA Law School in 1997. He has been a professor at the University of California at Irvine, Chapman University, and Western State University law schools.

What skills have helped you in your career?
I chose a career in courtroom law. As such the greatest skill that I possess is the ability to think on my feet and to be spontaneous. As a judge and as an attorney I have had to be able to respond to and be comfortable in stressful situations that are often unpredictable. Another skill is the ability to communicate effectively with a wide variety of people in the court setting, whether it is with lawyers, members of the public, or staff. I also spend a lot of time on career development which requires the willingness to make connections in every environment and the ability to forge relationships with people for the purpose of networking and connecting others for possible opportunities.

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
As a judge in California there is a set requirement for continuing education for all members of the judiciary. As an appellate justice, I attend training on an annual basis. I have also been used as a faculty member for the Judicial Council of California in providing training for new judges.

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
I wish I had spent more time pursuing the study of foreign languages. Being able to enhance your personal development through experiencing a secondary culture can broaden your perspectives and appreciation for cultural heritage.

What is next for you in your career?
I was recently retained by the voters to serve a full term on the court of appeal so my focus is on making a positive impact on the court where I serve, but I always try to keep an open mind for new opportunities should they present themselves.

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Mentorship- shadow, or lead by example career path to emulate
• Advice for how to get involved in civic institutions

Please provide your preferred email address so interested professionals can network with

[email protected]


If you would like to nominate someone to be a part of the spotlight, click Here.


Asad Abdulla – IPN National Lead

Asad Abdulla – IPN National Lead

View Profile


Afroze Ali – National IPN Co-Lead

Afroze Ali – National IPN Co-Lead

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