
Ayesha Daya (UAE)

Ayesha Daya is the former Middle East oil correspondent for Bloomberg News. Now she runs a content creation and communications company called Kalima, based in Dubai. Ayesha has a BA in French and Politics from Bristol University and an MA in Middle Eastern Studies from Harvard.

IPN Spotlight: Ayesha Daya (Founder & CEO, Al Kalima)

Ayesha Daya is the former Middle East oil correspondent for Bloomberg News. Now she runs a content creation and communications company called Kalima, based in Dubai. Ayesha has a BA in French and Politics from Bristol University and an MA in Middle Eastern Studies from Harvard.

What skills have helped you in your career?
• Tenacity
• Curiosity

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
I used to be upset when things didn’t go according to plan. I eventually learnt that all it means is that there’s a much better plan out there. So now I desire the thing that happens, rather than trying to mould events to my desires.

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
I read. And I seek out people that know more than me about certain things.

What is next for you in your career?
Growing my business.

What advice would you offer to others?
Follow your passions.

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Advice in reading
• Advice in writing
• Advice in communication

Please provide the link to your LinkedIn profile:
Ayesha Daya

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