
Shamshuddin Lalani

Shamshuddin has over 10+ years of experience in technology sales while working for VMware, Riverbed and Cisco Systems. He started his career in engineering sales and transitioned to account management and strategy. Shamshuddin works with some of the largest global companies, ranging from defense contractors for the US Government to large financial institutions on Wall Street.

IPN Spotlight: Shamshuddin Lalani (Senior Account Executive, NSX at VMware)

Shamshuddin has over 10+ years of experience in technology sales while working for VMware, Riverbed and Cisco Systems. He started his career in engineering sales and transitioned to account management and strategy. Shamshuddin works with some of the largest global companies, ranging from defense contractors for the US Government to large financial institutions on Wall Street. He has degrees in Economics, Electrical Engineering and an MBA.

What skills have helped you in your career?
Having a technical background has set me apart from most sales executives. Having an Engineering degree in combination with an Economics/MBA has given me both breadth and depth to excel in my career. It brings instant credibility when speaking with leaders in any organization. Listening is another critical skill that speaks volume. Let the customer speak; understand their business issues, drivers and challenges – so you can position your products and solutions accordingly. Most sales executives do not understand how critical this skill is.

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
Networking is the KEY! Building relationships and rapport early in your career goes a long way. Establish trust, work hard and create a “marketing plan” for yourself. Find a mentor, outside of your reporting chain who can help and guide you in your development plan.

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
I read a lot about new technologies within my direct and adjacent fields. I attend industry seminars and networking events to build relationships. I highly recommend getting a subscription to, The Harvard Business Review, which has some great case studies and the Economist that provides a global perceptive on current events. Staying current is extremely important.

What is next for you in your career?
Continue down the path of technology sales with a focus on running a $100M sales region.

What advice would you offer to others?
Take risks! It is OKAY to fail, use it as a learning experience. You are not going to get it right 100% of the time and things are not always going to end up the way you want. If you do not take risks, you may never know your true potential. Believe in yourself.
In addition, your personal brand and credibility is very important. It is hard to build but easy to lose. If you say you are going to do something make sure you do it.

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Leadership development
• Career development
• Mentorship
• Job placement

Please provide the link to your LinkedIn profile:
Shamshuddin Lalani

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