
Negotiating Your Salary

Focus on knowing your worth and researching industry salary averages.

Focus on knowing your worth and researching industry salary averages

Here’s a secret: Employers rarely make their best salary offer first, and job candidates who negotiate their salaries generally earn much more than those who do not. A well thought out negotiation makes you look like a stronger candidate and employee.

First, get the hiring manager to see your value.

  • Demonstrate that your skills are valuable to the company.
  • If possible, defer the salary discussion until the company has had a chance to understand the value you bring to the position. You need to establish trust and credibility and a rapport to convince the other party that they are making the right decision.
  • Once this is achieved, it is generally easier to negotiate the appropriate salary package.

Do your research and understand your market value.

Don’t discuss salary too early.

  • If possible, wait until an offer has been made. Get the offer in writing or wait until asked about your salary requirements. If you are asked your salary requirements prior to receiving an offer, quote a range based on your knowledge of similar positions, or ask the hiring manager during your second or third interview what the salary range is for the job.
  • Do not commit too quickly. Thank the employer for the offer and ask when they need a response by. This shows you are a thoughtful candidate and also allows you time to work on your negotiation strategy.
  • Discuss salary in terms of your total compensation package rather than base salary alone. Benefits, bonuses, vacation time, and overtime are all part of your overall compensation package
  • Negotiate extras. If base salary is fixed, things like additional vacation time, telecommuting, bonuses, and education reimbursement may be negotiable.

If you have any questions or need assistance please contact IPN Team.

Article by the Resume Support Team


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