
Interview Tips: Leave your interviewer feeling wowed!

Tips on how to make a great first impression at your interview.

Dress to Impress

·  Ask the Recruiter and confirm the dress code at the office. Show that you care about your appearance and take pride in yourself as you will also do in your work.

·  Be sure to be well-groomed and smelling good. First impressions are key for a successful interview.

Preparation and Communication is key

·  Prepare ahead of time by reading the job posting and company website and relate your skills to the position you applied to avoid rambling. Only answer the questions you are asked.

·  If you are not sure of a question that is being asked or get flustered or nervous be sure to clarify it and repeat the question back for example…so let me make sure I understood your question are you asking if I have previous experience in preparing….etc.

·  Match your interviewer’s style, pace and demeanor.

·  Do practice mock interviews to get feedback and work on your weaknesses.

·  Be sure to use appropriate language at all times. Don not become too friendly or familiar with the interviewer.

Ask questions

·  Ask the Recruiter and confirm the dress code at the office. Show that you care about your appearance and take pride in yourself as you will also do in your work.

·  Be sure to be well-groomed and smelling good. First impressions are key for a successful interview

If you have any questions or need assistance please contact IPN-PSP (Placement Support Program)

Article contributed by the Professional Support Program team.

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