
Fareed Ajani

The Alternative Asset Management Companies offer unique wealth creation opportunities via its hybrid Hedge Fund and Private Equity Fund vehicles. Flanagan Lloyds is solely focused on enhancing value for investors and stakeholders by providing access to traditionally unobtainable opportunities in the global markets.

IPN Spotlight: Fareed Ajani (Founding Partner of Flanagan Lloyds Capital Management and Flanagan Lloyds Global Asset Management)

Fareed Ajani is a Founding Partner of Flanagan Lloyds Capital Management and Flanagan Lloyds Global Asset Management. The Alternative Asset Management Companies offer unique wealth creation opportunities via its hybrid Hedge Fund and Private Equity Fund vehicles. Flanagan Lloyds is solely focused on enhancing value for investors and stakeholders by providing access to traditionally unobtainable opportunities in the global markets.

Prior to starting his own alternative asset management firm, Mr. Ajani spent nearly twenty years in Corporate and Investment Banking Until 2015, he was a Director and Senior Relationship Manager with the U.S. Corporate Banking division at Wells Fargo. He spent the last decade managing large corporate client relationships, where he advised and assisted clients by providing the full suite of Debt and Equity Capital Markets, Investment Banking, M&A and Corporate Finance advisory. Since 2007, he has been managing a diverse client portfolio in a variety of industries including Consumer and Retail, Transportation, Industrials and Technology, Media and Telecom and others with capital commitment in the $2.0 billion range. Prior to that, he worked for eight years in the Investment Banking division at Wachovia Securities.

He was born and raised in Mumbai, India before moving and settling in the USA in the late 80’s. He is actively engaged in community service and civic engagement in Atlanta where he resides with his wife and two young boys.

What skills have helped you in your career?
When I started my career in corporate banking as an analyst, I was fortunate to get the opportunity to work with several senior relationship managers who mentored me well. I was able to build a strong credit and sales foundation that enabled me to grow into other areas in corporate and investment banking. For instance, it enabled me to build a strong foundation in business and credit analysis, debt and equity underwriting, portfolio risk management and corporate finance. I was able to carry those foundational skills and grow through the ranks with sheer hard work, determination. Whatever field you pursue, one should be well grounded in general business understanding, money management, basic accounting and read about world economies and markets. It’s important to read a lot in your field of work and be meticulous about what you do and always network and build strong relationships with people.

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
As I reflect back on my 20 years in Finance and Banking, one thing I wish I would have done better was to network better with other professionals and civic society in general. As the norm is, I was busy with my professional career growth and other service commitments within our community that I didn’t look outside to build relationships and engage in civic activity. I am doing that now, but it’s something that I could have done better throughout my professional career. Secondly, I aim to find a better balance in life. I have struggled with that at times focusing too much on my professional career and growth while sacrificing in other areas. As I look at my next chapter, I aim to get that right and work on things that are more important to me such as family and giving service to the community.

I encourage every IPN member and professional to network extensively, make friends and build relationships, sit on boards and serve in whatever way that you can, as that’s going to help you in the long run and enhance your capacity.

What is next for you in your career?
My next chapter is the Founding of Flanagan Lloyds with my brother and another good childhood friend. All Ismaili owned and our vision is to grow the enterprise into a world class Alternative Asset Management Company. We’re in the midst of the launch of our inaugural Flanagan Lloyds Global Equities Fund. Our goal is to grow from a small boutique firm to strategically managing capital for family offices and institutional capital.

I have also been blessed to be able to serve within the community and what I have learned from my service is that you have to be able to find a balance in life, and I want to be able to give back to the community and our various organizations as much as I can.

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
It is extremely important to make sure that you are at the cutting edge of technology and academia within your field and areas of interest. To keep up, I read a lot of financial publications, attend conferences and liaise with people in the industry. I also continued executive education at Wharton, University of Pennsylvania with the aim to enhance my skill set and focus on portfolio management and investment strategies in a global environment. The course was relevant to my new business venture and overall a fantastic learning experience.

What advice would you offer to others?
My advice to young professionals would be to make sure that they network well and engage in civic activities, sit on boards, take time to partake in voluntary activities and attend inddistyr conferences and IPN events. This will surely broaden ones horizon, relationships and also build ones resume and overall potential. Another point would be to be able to have a balance in life by making time for family, faith and community.

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Mentoring and guiding students in corporate finance and banking
• Internship opportunities
• Engagement in civic activity

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