
Natasha Babvani: Project Manager of Operations

Natasha is an Addiction Therapist at House of Charity, an advocate for battered women and children, and a sexual assault advocate…

Name: Natasha Babvani

Position: Project Manager of Operations

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Natasha is an Addiction Therapist at House of Charity, an advocate for battered women and children, and a sexual assault advocate. She provides holistic treatment for individuals who are facing mental health crisis by developing, conducting, and facilitating individual and group treatments. She believes that it’s imperative to leave this world a better place than when she first came into it. Therefore, she strives to make a positive difference in the world by serving her time and knowledge in communities that are poverty driven. When she is not working with clients, she enjoys volunteering her time to the community, spending time at the lake, and spending time with family and friends. She is currently the Project Manager of Operations for the IPN and will be the bridge that connects the 11 alliances.

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